(For more details, click on the variety name)


Range of maturities to fill forage needs. High biomass yield, grown for silage, grazing, swath grazing, and green feed bales

Variety Highlights Relative Forage Yield vs AC Morgan Relative Maturity
Forage oat with improved lodging and upright growth to retain leaves 101 Late
Strong straw and stay green leaves. Widely available across the western Prairies 100 Medium
The number one forage oat in Canada. Large leaves, tall plant 98 Late
Strong disease package, white hulled, also approved as a milling oat or pony oat 106 Medium


The most versatile annual forage crop. Grown for grain, silage, swath grazing or green feed bales, high digestibility, early maturity

Variety Highlights Relative Forage Yield vs CDC Austenson AWN Type
2-row forage "Barley with Attitude"! New standard for yield and standability 111 Rough
Top yielding 2-row feed barley 100 Rough
Dual purpose 6-row silage or grain barley. Tall plant with strong straw 101 Smooth
Dual purpose 6-row silage or grain barley. Shorter straw than AB Advantage. Good fit for higher moisture 101 Smooth
2-row forage barley. Performs well in drier or harsh conditions 99 Rough
2-row forage barley. Performs well in drier or harsh conditions 101 Smooth
2-row forage barley. Performs well in drier or harsh conditions 106 Smooth
2-row malting barley that yields like a feed. Keep your options open - silage, feed, or malting 109 Rough


The strongest-strawed annual forage option. Best suited to silage production under high moisture and high fertility, normally harvested and chopped for silage, improved lodging resistance allows easier harvest and highest forage yields under optimal growing conditions

Variety Highlights Relative Forage Yield vs AC® Sadash VB Awn Type

NEW Alotta

Special purpose wheat. Alotta grain means alotta tonnes of silage 99 Rough awn
The most widely grown SWS in western Canada 100 Awned
High grain or forage yield, fit for ethanol or silage, SWS kernel, but classified as CWSP, fair to lodging 107 Awned
SWS with high grain or forage yield, fit for milling, ethanol or silage 100 Awned


Grown for feed grain and forage

Variety Highlights Relative Forage Yield Awn Type
Works as feed grain or for forage 100 Reduced Awn
Fall rye can be spring or fall seeded to adjust grazing timing N/A Awned