Stamp Seeds is located at Enchant, AB. Book seed now!
Small seeded, white flowered fababean with improved yield vs. CDC Snow...
High yielding midge tolerant Special Purpose (soft white parentage) ...
The "Wheat King"! #1 CWRS in western Canada since 2016 Short, st...
Yield 113% of the checksVery good resistance to lodging3 cm shorter th...
High yielding CWAD High solid stem expression ofgood sawfly toleran...
High yielding midge tolerant Soft White Spring Yield 105% of AC And...
Strongest Straw CPSR available! Shorter, stronger strawthan AAC Bra...
Shortest, strongest straw CWAD on the market High solid stem expres...
Shortest, strongest straw in a CWRS MTW Yield 104% of AAC Brandon ...
Dual purpose 6-row feed/forage barley with smooth awns Grains yield...
Dual purpose 6-row feed/forage barley with smooth awns Grain yield ...
The standard in Soft White Springwheat #1 in SWS acres from 2003-2012 ...
#1 in SWS acres with over 50% market share Yield 106% of AC Andrew Mid...
High yielding special purpose wheat, targeting the feed and ethanol ma...
High yielding 2-row malt barley Yield 109% of CDC Copeland Malt ...
2-row malt barleyHigher yield, lower protein than AC Metcalfe#1 in acr...
Very high yielding 2-row feed barleyThe CDC Austenson replacement we'v...
Medium-sized green semi-leafless peaYield 101% of CDC AmarilloYield 11...
The Next Great One! High yielding, strong strawed 2-row malt barley...
Top performing forage oat 107% forage yieldof CDC Baler Tall sta...
Clearfield® tolerant large green lentil variety with higher yield and ...
2-row smooth awned forage barleyForage yield 104%of CDC CowboyGrain yi...
#1 in acres in 2024Game-changing brown seeded flax Yield 105% of CDC G...
European variety with short, strong straw, well-suited to intensive ma...
High yielding Special Purposewheat (feed/ethanol/silage) Yield 126%...