High yielding two-row spring feed barley with great lodging resistance Best suited to production ...
6-row spring feed barley with improved yield levels relative to Dignity and Baden Contact your ne...
Two-row spring feed barley with good lodging resistance Excellent yielding in Quebec and the Mari...
Six-row feed barley with improved yields and a good disease profile Suited for northeastern...
Six-row feed barley with good standability and above average resistance to scald and DON accum...
Six-row feed barley Widely adapted to eastern Canada
2-row spring barley
Six-row spring feed barley with short, strong straw Excellent yield potential across all areas of...
High yielding 2-row malt barley Yield 109% of CDC Copeland Malt profile well-suited to craft b...
Two-row hulless malting barley with improved brewing efficiency and higher malt extract Demonstra...
Two-row feed barley with average maturity Adapted to Areas II and III of Ontario
Six-row spring feed barley with great straw strength Suited for Areas II and III of Ontario