2825 HU (RM 1.3) Xtendflex® soybean variety with SCN resistance (PI 88788)Bushy, tall plant typeSuit...
3075 HU (RM 2.2) Xtendflex® soybean variety with SCN resistance Excels when positioned on clay an...
2700 HU (RM 0.6) Enlist E3™ soybean with good protection against Phytophthora root rot, white mould,...
2175 HU (RM 000.5) Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® very early maturing soybean variety with strong emergence ...
2775 HU (RM 0.9) imperfect yellow hilum conventional soybean with good lodging resistance
2900 HU (RM 1.6) imperfect yellow hilum soybean High yielding IP variety for its maturity Wide...
2850 HU (RM 1.3) yellow hilum conventional soybean, SCN resistant.
2700 HU(RM 0.7) imperfect yellow hilum conventional soybean with good lodging resistance and strong ...
2975 HU (RM 2.0) yellow hilum conventional soybean Features excellent emergence, SCN resistance, ...
2925 HU (RM 1.6) imperfect yellow hilum conventional soybean
2650 HU (RM 0.4) imperfect yellow hilum conventional soybean variety Good field tolerance to Phyt...