Airth Farms Ltd. is an independent seed retailer near Brooks, AB. Contact Jock Airth today for genes that fit your farm®.
The "Wheat King"! #1 CWRS in western Canada since 2016 Short, st...
Strongest Straw CPSR available! Shorter, stronger strawthan AAC Bra...
Shortest, strongest straw in a CWRS MTW Yield 104% of AAC Brandon ...
#1 in SWS acres with over 50% market share Yield 106% of AC Andrew Mid...
Two-row dual purpose barley featuringtop forage and grain yields and p...
Six-row semi-dwarf feed barley Adapted to western Canada
Medium-sized yellow semi-leafless pea, with high yield, high protein, ...
2-row forage/feed barley Asmooth awnedpartner for CDC Cowboy Smo...
2-row smooth awned forage barleyForage yield 104%of CDC CowboyGrain yi...
European variety with short, strong straw, well-suited to intensive ma...
Spring triticale with reduced awn expression Suited for use as a fe...
Feed oat with high yield, plump kernels and good lodging and shatterin...