Carlotte Ag is a seed retailer located near Arthur, Ontario. Contact Carl Brubacher today for genes that fit your farm.®
White hulled spring oat with adaptation to rust-prone areas of Ontario
White hulled milling oat with very strong straw andhigh yieldsWell sui...
White hulledspring oat Suited to growers whose oat production is af...
2725 HU (RM 0.6) Roundup Ready 2 Yield® soybean with top yield potenti...
European variety with short, strong straw, well-suited to intensive ma...
2350 HU (RM 00.3) Consistent big yield Bushy plant type Widely adapted...
2825 HU (RM 1.3) Xtendflex® soybean variety with SCN resistance (PI 88...
2725 HU (RM 0.6) imperfect yellow hilum conventional soybean with exce...
2700 HU (RM 0.5) premium quality, yellow hilum soybean for the miso ex...
2650 HU (RM 0.4) imperfect yellow hilum soybean variety with impressiv...
High yielding soft red winter wheat with excellent adaptation to Ontar...
2750 HU (RM 0.8) brown hilum conventional soybean with dependable perf...
2750 HU (RM 0.8) Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybean variety with a good ra...
2675 HU (RM 0.5) Xtendflex® soybean variety with good branching, canop...
2750 HU (RM 0.8) XtendFlex®soybean variety with SCN resistance (PI 887...
2675 HU (RM 0.5) Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybean variety with SCN resis...
2475 HU (RM 00.9) Semi- Tolerant to IDC MR to SCN Good defensive profi...